Even though I once said that assume we never happened before.. But.. The current me wish that the past is a good memory for both of us, not a lie. I try, tried to stop pouring anymore feelings towards you, even if you treat me coldly, but I failed to do so. There are times where I get to forget you, for a while, then after a while I started to miss you again.

I wanted to let go, knowing that I bothered you too much, annoyed you too much, but when I think of our past memories, it makes my feelings come back again. Even when something that is totally unrelated to you, also I am able to relate it to you, without thinking about it and getting sour for no reason even though I know that will (or might?) not happen.

How long has it been since the first day I had feelings towards you? How long has it been since that day you first grab my hand? I remember that incident clearly, that incident that changed my life drastically. I found myself to shed tears easily compared to before. Maybe I am the one that's being too sensitive and think too much? I know you hate it a lot.. I really miss the past, since that day that changed my life, until that day that everything ends, badly..